All the news that Jaime Herrera, Congress critter in the WA03 does NOT want you to know.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Recently, I was asked: If Herrera wins the primary, are you going to let up on her?"
Folks, I believe there is a place for partisan politics. But as individuals, we must find the line between blind obedience to a party line and the suspension of common sense.
Party allegiance isn't a death warrant. At the end of the day, if Ridgefield Barbie and her keepers manages to fool enough people into voting her in, either through to the general or, God forbid, into Congress, what exactly does that change?
Will she somehow magically become honorable? Will someone install a knowledge chip that will give her a clue about any of the major issues confronting us? Will she suddenly stop lying to us, exaggerating her background, her knowledge and suitability to actually be IN Congress? Will she suddenly cease her betrayal of Republican principles like she did while in the legislature, becoming a Guardian of the SEIU and while spending our money like a drunken sailor to help her leftist buddies? Can we be sure that she'll betray us again, representing Cathy McMorris Rogers, who built her from the ground up, instead of us?
Will the mentality that allowed her to leave the floor of the House for hours at a time to fund raise; which allowed her to ditch us during session for yet another McMorris trough session in DC suddenly return to the level where her FIRST duty becomes us... instead of her?
The despicable political cartoon that is Jaime Herrera will not mysteriously cease being the waste of skin she is. Concepts of honor and truth will remain as foreign to her if she wins as they are now.
There are no circumstances where I will not do all I legally can to keep her from winning any election.
Period. Ever.
For those wondering, I hope I've made my position clear.
Cross posted at Clark County Politics.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Summing up Herrera.
Latino youth zero in on issues, involvement
Friday forum also lures congressional candidates
......What about the proposed federal “Dream Act” that would grant temporary, six-year residency to immigrant children who finish two years of college or military service?
“I’m going to vote for that, and I’m going to vote proudly for it,” Heck told the group.
Students liked that response. Castillo said he’s against the act, while Herrera said she hasn’t read it yet
That's Jaime Herrera. Fail to take a position on an issue and use ignorance as her excuse.
Ridgefield Barbie at her finest.
The growing List of Reasons to Vote Against Herrera
Ever since Cathy McMorris Rogers made the deal with my brother-in-law, Marc Boldt, that got Herrera appointed to the open seat in the 18th District, I have despised this empty suited political manikin.
Herrera is the same kind of empty suit we elected as president.
She lacks the education, the experience, the vision, the courage, the intelligence and even the experience of living here to be our Member of Congress.
Clearly, if it weren't for McMorris Rogers' interference here locally and Boldt's desire to do McMorris' bidding, we'd have never heard of Herrera, a blank slate with leftist tendencies that I do not want to represent me in ANYTHING, let along Congress.
We just got rid of one leftist in the job. Why replace him with the fake variety she represents?
This blog, as of this writing, has 130 posts detailing her lack of experience, her lies, her efforts to ditch us during session, her support of the SEIU and her efforts to help the democrats to strip out the last $229 million from our state emergency account because she stupidly believed it would stop the leftists from jacking up our taxes.
Herrera has:
Lived outside the district for 11 of the last 13 years.Herrera, or "Ridgefield Barbie" as I like to call her, lacks ANY record. It appears she got precisely one bill passed into law, the "give-the-new-guy-a-bill-to-teach-them-the-system" type bill that EVERYONE got passed.
Equated her decade-plus absence, to my face, as the same thing as being in the military.
REPEATEDLY lied about her job with McMorris Rogers.
Lied about being "courted" by the NRCC to run against Baird.
Never worked in the private sector.
Never owned property.
Had her people throw a snit and lie about her loss of the FreedomWorks endorsement.
Ditched us during session to go to a special interest fund raiser in DC... put on by her keeper and master, McMorris Rogers.
Never served in the military and has no concept of their/our sacrifice or that of our families.
Cosponsored and voted for SEIU legislation (HB 1329) and then lied about why she did it.
Spent almost $500 taxpayer dollars for meals for 3 days while on a legislative staff boondoggle trip.
Left the floor of the House for hours at a time to fund raise for Congress, leaving her seat mate to vote for her in her place... and then lies about it.
Voted to strip out the last $229 million from the state emergency fund.
Received $5000 from her union buddies for her state house re-election bid in 2008.
Has become the undisputed establishment candidate because of McMorris-Rogers, who wants Herrera in Congress representing McMorris Rogers instead of the people of the 3rd District.
Has gained county GOP endorsements ONLY from the counties in the district that are DOMINATED by democrats and run by incompetent Republicans who frequently can't even get GOP candidates to run.
She has been a waste of space in Olympia, and she will be a waste of space in DC.
How anyone could possibly support her as a conservative is simply beyond me.
Friday, June 25, 2010
So, the PDC sends out an email reminder to EVERY candidate today...
A few days ago, CCP filed a PDC complaint against Jon Russell.
Russell, best known for an abortive congressional campaign and working so diligently to screw up Washougal city government, isn't the most transparent campaigner you're ever going to see.
In fact, Russell has, to this point, filed manually in a deliberate effort to cover up his donations and expenditures, all the while knowing (and hence, all the while violating PDC law) that he would have expenditures in excess of $10,000.
That was complaint Number One of Five.
One of the immediate results of filing this complaint seems to be this:
Regardless, as of this writing, Russell chooses to continue to break the law while continuing to run an opaque campaign.
Oddly, I never believed that campaign laws were mere suggestions. Apparently, Russell, who, as chair of the Washougal Finance Committee oversaw every aspect of the Stacee Sellers debacle, doesn't agree.
So.... why can't Ridgefield Barbie get volunteers?
Well, maybe not so odd.
Having been named a "Guardian of the SEIU" for her co-sponsorship, votes for and subsequent lies about her motivations and involvement for this self-styled "friend to organized labor" involvement with the mandatory unionization/employers pay union dues bill she was so rabid about (HB 1329); and having helped the democrats rape our state emergency fund, there's really little there to brag about... or to gather volunteers to your cause.
What we don't need is another clueless empty suit holding any kind of position in government... particularly some establishment twit like Herrera.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I hate to take exception to Linda Smith... but here, I draw the line.
From Congresswoman Linda Smith: An important messageUnlike Herrera, or Eric Earling, (Is he looking for a job, or what?) or Nan Malin, I worked my ass off for Linda Smith in 1994. Herrera was no where to be seen. But my understanding is there is something of a family relationship, so until now, I've stayed essentially quiet about how disappointed I am that Linda Smith would work to stiff us with this empty suited Guardian of the SEIU.
Dear Friend,
In America, every generation has left behind a better place for its children.
But now our national debt threatens the prosperity we've worked so long and so hard to achieve. Southwest Washington citizens are struggling to find jobs. Economic uncertainty is taking its toll on families. Yet, the government continues to make promises it simply won’t be able to keep and rather than spending less money, politicians in Washington, D.C. talk about adding even more job-killing taxes to deal with this debt.
We need a new generation of leaders. We need Jaime Herrera.
Not since we won our historic write-in campaign for Congress in 1994 have we had such an important opportunity in Southwest Washington. With 3rd District Democrat Congressman Brian Baird retiring, Republicans have a chance to reclaim this Congressional district and we’ll have one more vote to repeal and replace the $1 trillion healthcare disaster.
That’s why I hope you’ll join me today in supporting Jaime’s campaign for Congress with a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more.
I wouldn’t be supporting Jaime unless I truly believed in her. She’s intelligent, conservative and hard working – and most importantly – she’s right on the issues. As your Congresswoman, Jaime will fight against big government power grabs like its recent healthcare takeover, and government bailouts for Wall Street.
Your financial support is critical to building a strong grassroots operation across the 3rd District that will carry her to victory this November.
Thank you for your support of Jaime Herrera. Let’s work together and win!
Linda Smith
Former Congresswoman, 3rd District
The LAST thing we need is "Jaime Herrera," or anything LIKE Jaime Herrera.
I was always struck by and respected Smith as an outsider to the establishment. Unfortunately for us, The Linda Smith of old seems long gone, replaced by this version, who endorses without consideration of the alternatives.
The last thing we need is someone who'll sell out her caucus to be "a friend to organized labor."
As Smith fades into the political twilight, I focus on her fine works for girls and women overseas. And then, I pause and wonder: whatever happened to the tough, independent outsider we all used to know and love... the one I worked so hard for back in '94?
How the GOP protects establishment candidates.
The writer was Chris Vance, the GOP chair who was running the show for most of our precipitous decline in the legislature.
Some of what he said made sense, of course.... it's hard to be wrong about everything.
But what struck me was his take on Herrera?Castillo in the 3rd CD; you can read about it here; what he had to say was no different then most Herrera kool aid drinkers, and as a certified member of the Bellevue Mafia, I suppose his remarks were to be expected.
What Vance left out of his column (and it's hard to believe the oversight wasn't deliberate) was that the poll was ordered, orchestrated and paid for by Herrera.
He also failed to mention the crosstabs, because the crosstabs haven't been, and won't be, released.
Furthering that old saw that a grand jury could indict a ham sandwich, the Herrera Herd and the rest of the establishment have been babbling like blithering idiots over this worthless poll with a sample of, ahem, 300; that was designed to do what it has done; garner hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of earned media for Ridgefield Barbie.
Vance's pro-Herrera propaganda without questioning the veracity and source of such a poll, without even MENTIONING that the poll was bought and paid for by Herrera.... well, was that a question of competence, or a deliberate act?
Either way, the poll is worthless without the release of the supporting information. And you would think that Vance, in his eagerness to stuff Herrera down our throats here in a district within which he does not reside, would have known that.
The cynic in me is fairly certain he does.
But hey. What do I know?
Cross posted at Clark County Politics.
Monday, June 21, 2010
So, Herrera is ASHAMED of being the establishment candidate?
Take this little tidbit in the Seattle Times:
But both (Castillo and Herrera) also tout tea-party backing and reject any notion they're an establishment candidate — a label that's spelled trouble for some candidates elsewhere this election season.Earlier, Ridgefield Barbie was described in this same article thusly:
Herrera, 31, has the backing of several top Republicans, including former Sen. Slade Gorton.Odd that none of those "top Republicans" don't live here, isn't it? Of course, the Times either doesn't know or wouldn't publish that Gorton only endorsed Herrera because Vander Stoep is on her campaign... and that Gorton endorsed Herrera without ever talking to Castillo.
Was it that long ago that Herrera's Hypocrites whined us a river over the FreedomWorks endorsement of Castillo? No Matter.
Herrera has been built from the outhouse up by the oh-so-establishment Cathy McMorris Rogers. She ditched us during the legislative session to go to a DC special interest fund raiser. She hasn't even lived here for 11 out of the last 13 years. She's been listed in the "If you can stand up and chew bubble gum while breathing" young gun list, while Castillo, who matches her achievement for achievement needed to get on that list, has been excluded.
So, while Herrera has MUCH to be ashamed of, she should just acknowledge that sher is the establishment candidate and move on.
Because Tea Party members with two functioning neurons who come to find out that the SEIU and other unions have funded Herrera; that SEIU has cosponsored and voted for a bill that would force people into collective bargaining while forcing their BOSSES and BUSINESS OWNERS to pay THEIR DUES; that she voted AGAINST THE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS to strip out the last $229,000,000 from this state's emergency fund.... well, they're much less likely to think she's worthy of their consideration.
In the end, Herrera is the establishment candidate. And given her history and that of her winged monkies, I can certainly understand why she would run away from the truth. But run away is what she's doing.
And cowardice, opportunism, with zero qualifications... something of an Obama Lite, is not what we should want representing McMorris (OOooppps... I mean, "us") in Congress.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Well, I see where the cowardice came from. Memo to Armando:
We had the unfortunate experience of following Jaime Herrera. Ridgefield Barbie rolled in at 11:00 in her bogus, campaign prop junker (filthy, by the way) ready to go and chipper. Her parents were there, among a surprisingly small number of others, given her practically occult establishment candidate cred.
What I found problamatic was the action of Herrera's father upon discovering I was driving said rig in support of another candidate, this time, for state house. This macho man took it upon himself to light up said candidate's campaign manager (who also happens to be Herrera's former state house campaign manager, come to think of it) over the fact that they were using my vehicle and or me to drive it. Quite obnoxious, that.
Now, don't misunderstand me. I really don't give a damn what Herrera's dad thinks of me or my efforts to inform the voters how corrupt, self-serving, unqualified and worthless as a state representative, let alone wholly-owned member of congress she would be.
But to attack a campaign manager of another campaign, when I am sitting in, or walking around my truck, 5 feet away, easily seen by him?
That takes the cowardice cake.
So, here's the memo to Armando: you have a problem with me?
Bring it to me. I get that those who've drank the empty suit's kool aid seem to have an extremely difficult time getting in my face about my positions. They have less difficulty attacking others.
You ain't the big man. In fact, you're nobody special. To go after someone else when I am RIGHT THERE?
That's cowardice.
Which, come to think of it, explains a lot about your daughter.
I will be at the next 12 parades or so. I'll be the one with the 4x8 in back, driving the humoungous red Ford F350 dually turbodiesel. You know the one... you were standing by it for at least an hour.
You feel the need to vent? Don't be like the rest of the winged monkeys. Come on up and tell me to my face. We'll chat about it, I'm sure.
But first, get used to seeing me around. Because both me and my blog will BE around as long as Ridgefield Barbie is running for anything from around here to represent me, let alone Congress.
And second, leave everyone else alone. You feel the need to bully someone?
You know how to find me.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Herrera supporters: As ignorant as they are misguided.
I won't tear his ENTIRE post apart, as easy as that would be, but I will paste the last three paragraphs of his steaming pile of hypocrisy:
OhLast summer David kicked off his campaign with a big time campaign consultant, a lot of arrogance and very little need for the grassroots.
I warned him and his campaign manager that the paradigm had shifted and that the Tea Party movement and the grassroots as a whole was where the real political power was. (It seemed obvious to all of US!)
This poll and his quotes is just one more example that they have not been listening to We The People!
This is some of the most sickening pap I've ever read from one of Herrera's winged monkeys. (Well, at least since the last Malin tweet.)
Let's take this garbage pile one sack at a time, shall we?
Last summer David kicked off his campaign with a big time campaign consultant, a lot of arrogance and very little need for the grassroots.Last week, Ridgefield Barbie kicked off her campaign as a Guardian of the SEIU with a big time campaign consultant (Or is Jay Vander Steop chopped liver?) UNBELIEVABLE arrogance and very little need for truth, experience, vision or the grass roots.
Huff's STUNNING hypocrisy is the thing, you see.
I warned him and his campaign manager that the paradigm had shifted and that the Tea Party movement and the grassroots as a whole was where the real political power was. (It seemed obvious to all of US!)Well, you're absolutely right about that. Establishment lying slimeballs like Ridgefield Barbie should be personna non gratia with the Tea Party. Those who sponsor and vote for SEIU legislation to force union membership while making business owners pay those dues and then LIE about it?
Those who help the democrats strip out the last $229 million from the emergency fund to help the democrats spend that money... two bills her own caucus and seat mates voted AGAINST... yeah, that's a problem for a clown like Herrera. It seems obvious to all of US, particularly those of us who saw her positively pathetic performance at We The People at Harney Elementary. But then, Huff wasn't there for that.
This poll and his quotes is just one more example that they have not been listening to We The People!This poll, with results bought and paid for by Herrera, with no cross tabs or supporting evidence is as worthless as Huff's analysis. Why these people are jumping over the cliffs for this lying empty suited SEIU supporter is simply incomprehensible.
Huff's blog and his quotes are just one more example of what a politically ignorant kool aid drinker he is.
And that's just a shame.
Herrera: promoted to slimeball today.
This bizarre poll with absolutely zero evidence, paid for by Herrera, shows Herrera in the lead?
Look, I knew she was an empty-suited, no experienced liar... but now a slimeball on top of it?
The only thing more moronic is that the cancer on our community wasted a drop of ink on this garbage.
I see all of her winged monkeys giddy over this dung pile of a bogus poll. But then, her chief cheerleader has a proven worthless record running a county GOP organization so lame they can't find ANY candidates to even TRY and win elections. And how pathetic is that?
She has just proven herself as scum. We'll be well rid of her when this is all over.
You know, I've been thinking about this "poll."
Was this a Herrera poll, paid for by Herrera or her keepers?
Do the numbers come close to making sense?
If anything, Herrera's buzzard shot should show a worried frown.
Herrera is the establishment candidate. And she's only getting 27% of the Republican vote?
And taking it a step further: 27+8+8 = 43. Why isn't the undecided 57%?
And what's the breakout? What are the crosstabs? Was the poll, or most of it, done in the 18th? What were the demographics? What was the breakdown of the respondents?
Polls without this kind of information are, essentially, worthless, if an honest assessment is to be made.
But on the surface, like in most of Herrera's positions, honesty isn't what took place here.
Like the old saw that a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, polls can make numbers say anything.
And, for you Herrera kool aid drinkers; yes... I would be asking the same questions regardless of the outcome when a poll is tossed out there with out the supporting evidence.
Publishing this poll without a close look at the cross tabs is the same kind irresponsible journalism the local rag engages in with their nonsensical, unsupported "polls" that show the people of Clark County support the waste of billions of dollars to replace a bridge that doesn't need replacing to bring loot rail into Clark County.
Herrera's Winged Monkeys, of course, could care less about that issue. The numbers say some of what they want them to say, although again, the 27% figure for the anointed candidate is troubling to the establishment that has built her like the Bionic Candidate, out of whole cloth, to do their bidding instead of ours.
Those trumpeting this effort should no better. And until the supporting documentation on this minuscule sample is released, it's worthless as a true indicator of what's going on in the 3rd CD.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
There really is no lie Ridgefield Barbie won't tell.
Well, her only response to these truths is to attack the character of those pointing these things out.
Tough, the empty suit from Ridgefield needs to get used to it.
Yesterday, she made a complete fool of herself in Lacey. In response to the truth that she voted with the democrats and ditched her own caucus in voting to empty the state emergency fund to help her friends blow our money, she could only sputter:
"To mischaracterize that as spending should show you the character and integrity of the two people standing before you,"That much is exactly right, Babs. You clearly have no integrity or character, since, in fact, you DID vote for that bill and it WAS to empty out the state emergency fund, much to our lasting shame.
Did Ed Orcutt vote for that crap pile?
Did Joe Zarelli vote for it?
Did 28 other members of your caucus vote for it?
Then, according to the article, Herrera babbled thusly:
Herrera also said she wanted to tap the state's savings to avoid seeing Democrats raise taxes by more than they did raise them.Again, did Ed Orcutt vote for that crap pile?
Did Joe Zarelli vote for it?
What did they know that you, in your ignorance, did not know?
She then went on to lie about her SEIU Co-sponsorship of HB 1329, the bill requiring child care workers to unionize if one child was receiving state subsidies.
We're told:
Herrera defended the child-care vote. She said small business owners in her district had asked her to support the bill, which was meant to give child-care centers more clout in getting fair payment from the state for the care of vulnerable kids. The alternative was to push out kids from low-income families. She said the bill does not require workers at the centers to pay dues, which instead are borne by the center owners.Did Ed Orcutt vote for that crap pile?
Did Joe Zarelli vote for it?
Did 28 other members of your caucus vote for it?
What did they know that you, in your ignorance, did not know?
OK. Here's a lie:
She said small business owners in her district had asked her to support the bill,Yet, NONE of those "small business owners" testified in favor of the bill! And Herrera has yet to name any or produce them to verify her statement.
Why does she have to lie about it?
Unions gave Herrera $5000 for her election back in 2008. Herrera just paid them back for giving her campaign money... happens all the time in politics.
It's despicable, of course, but the proof is in the pudding. And it's so.... Herrera.
I would like to have her explain that issue though: It seems the only people testifying in favor of Herrera's sell out were unions.
Why is that? And why is she lying about it?
And then this stupidity:
which was meant to give child-care centers more clout in getting fair payment from the state for the care of vulnerable kids. The alternative was to push out kids from low-income families.So, she admits that she pushed for a bill that would jam taxpayers even more? And I have this question: since the senate killed this bill in reality, exactly how many kids have been "pushed out" as a result?
And then THIS beaut:
She said the bill does not require workers at the centers to pay dues, which instead are borne by the center owners.Is it any wonder that day care centers testified AGAINST this bill? Herrera would screw THEM to make THEM pay THEIR EMPLOYEES UNION DUES!
What a moron. No wonder SEIU bought her with their campaign donations.
Disgust at you selling out isn't a matter of coercion. It's a matter that for a few campaign donations, you abandoned Republican principles, became a union lackey, and then lied about it, while attacking those who would question your non-existent judgment.
She went on to babble:
She also said she would vote for her district, not the party or partisan interests, "every day and twice on Sunday," and that she could not be "coerced" by her party.Well, true enough. Instead, she was coerced by her union owners, voting against BOTH Zarelli, who helped kill this bill AND Orcutt, who voted "no" on this labor crap pile.
Why anyone would want to support an empty-suited liar like Herrera, who hasn't even lived here for 11 out of the last 13 years is simply beyond me.
How anyone thinks she's anything approaching "conservative" given that she co-sponsored SEIU legislation and then lied about it is also a mystery.
But then, those 3 democrat counties endorsing her might have an answer.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Interesting factoid about the counties drinking the Herrera Kool Aid: They are ALL run by democrats.
Nan Malin's nonsense about Wahkiakum County grassroots GOP(all are teaparty activists) voted 2 endorse #wa03 candidate @jaimelherrera 3rd county 2 do so! #wcot #wagop is just that.
Tea party types loath SEIU shills. And Herrera is just that: an SEIU shill.
That said, the 3 counties that have endorsed Babs all have one thing in common: They're dominated by democrats, meaning the GOP in those counties seems to be incompetent.
The list includes Malin's own Pacific County, arguably one of the most democrat counties in the United States and where Malin worked hard to get Herrera the endorsement; Cowlitz and Wahkiakum. Let's take a quick look at the political party in control of those counties, shall we?
The Pacific County Commissioners?
Democrat (Not only democrats, but UNCONTESTED democrats)
County Clerk
God almighty.
Not only do the democrats own Pacific County, but the GOP leadership of that county is so inept and incompetent, they're incapable of fielding any candidates! Unbelievable!
Hey, Nan: here's a clue. Maybe... just maybe, if you focused on your business as a county chair in Pacific instead of everyone else's, Pacific wouldn't be a wholly-owned democrat subsidiary... because your work in Pacific is pathetic.
Being a county chair should be a lot more than a social networking tool, and if you can't do the job, maybe they should get someone in there who can. Stop working so hard to become state chair, which will never happen, and start working on squaring your own corner of the world away... if you can.
The Wahkiakum County Commissioners?
Democrat (NO Republican filed)
County Clerk?
Democrat (2 Independents, No Republican filed.)
County Treasurer?
The Cowlitz County Commissioners?
Democrats (No Republican filed)
County Clerk
Democrat (No Republican Filed)
So, there you have it. Three of the least Republicans counties in the 3rd District, including arguably the least Republican county in the United States (Pacific) which failed to field any candidate at the county level, while their party chair is out being a social butterfly instead of staying home and building the party's future in Pacific County. Why even HAVE a GOP organization in Pacific County? It sure looks like a waste of space to me.
So, besides their deep, dark blue politics and the failures of these county's organizations.... what do these three have in common?
Why, they endorsed the Guardian of the SEIU, Ridgefield Barbie.
And, it seems to me, that's nothing to brag about.
I'm getting unsupported comments to some of these posts.
Writing to tell me things without providing any evidence to back up your claims isn't going to get them posted.
If you have an allegation, provide evidence. "Someone at a newspaper writing a story" isn't evidence.
Seems Jaime's feeling the heat about her SEIU Guardianship and Her efforts to help the democrats spend our money.
That she did these things are indisputable facts. That she co-sponsored and voted for this SEIU bill is not even a question. That she voted for it while most of the rest of her caucus voted against it, again, not even a question. The record speaks for itself.
That she voted to help the democrats strip out tens of millions of dollars of our money for their spending programs; again, not even a question. The record is clear; she did these things.
REMIND her she did these things, and ol' Jaime gets just a might bit testy.
She has no response for being a sell out, you understand. She has no excuse; no justification.
So, when she was reminded of that today, what was Ridgefield Barbie's response?
Why, to attack David Castillo's integrity... and to attack him personally.
That's often the last refuge of a scoundrel. Herrera, being a coward, won't man up and admit she screwed up... like when she was busted for leaving the floor for hours at a time to fund raise, or when she ditched us in this district to go to the DC special interest trough during session.
But when you remind her of her own history, she just gets a might upset, showing that a lack of maturity is yet another reason to keep her out of any elective office.
Looking forward to having the video soon.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Here's yet another qualification for Congress Ridgefield Barbie will never have:
I know that our Constitution does not require that our members of Congress should have served an enlistment in the military.
But it should. Having a basic knowledge of the military; how it works, the sacrifice of those serving us and their families, the actual rolling around in the mud of it; would we not have a better Congress and president if that was a requirement?
Jaime Herrera will never know these things. She will never know what "having the duty" means. She will never know the mundane issues of rolling out for PT at 5 in the morning in a blinding rain storm in the pitch black. She'll never be held responsible for guarding millions of dollars worth of equipment, never be around a bunch of people who are doing their best to kill her. And she'll never know what it is to go, say, 3 years, away from their family.
She's proven she's got no clue about the military, which is not particularly encouraging during a time of war.
David Castillo has that clue, and many others. That's a large part of why a warrior like Chris Boyd endorses Castillo.
David's taken the difficult road to get to where he is, and he did it without keepers like McMorris Rogers arranging everything every step of the way.
No, he's not the establishment's candidate. And for me, that's reason enough to vote for him.
H/T to Lew Waters.
Video of Chris Boyd making the Call to endorse David Castillo
Chris Boyd made a tough call in the face of that kind of pressure. And the plans of the Herrera Herd blew up in her face.
He has earned this vet's ever lasting respect for his decision.
Monday, June 14, 2010
NFIB blows the call: Herrera is a guardian of the SEIU.
Yeah, it used to be that this award actually meant something.
It used to be.
But not anymore.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Guess who isn't coming to dinner?
Yeah, that must have really sucked... much like the rest of the convention when she discovered the carefully laid plan to keep Chris Boyd in the race by paying his filing fee (through surrogates, of course) turned into a steaming mushroom cloud when Boyd announced on Victoria Taft's radio show that he had decided to do the right thing: pull the plug and endorse David Castillo.
I understand that when Ridgefield Barbie got up to read the speech her keepers had prepared for her, some of the delegates of the 3rd CD acted like blithering idiots when the establishment candidate got up to ramble as she so frequently does.
Of course. That's the kind of thing you would expect from the GOP establishment for their pet manikin. Still, this particular convention was a disaster for the empty suit; between Boyd's decision to support Castillo and the symbolic aspect of not even getting coffee with Romney... well, in real terms, the convention found Barbie in some disarray.
Oh, well. Many more political disasters to come.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Chris Boyd withdraws from WA03; endorses David Castillo.
Boyd, a disabled combat veteran made a very tough call while ignoring the efforts of some in the Herrera camp to keep him in... efforts that included an offer to pay his filing fee.
Lew Waters has an excellent write up on this young man, who rose to the occasion once again in service to his country.
We will remember this selfless act.
Crossposted on Clark County Politics.
Herrera foolishly cements her cred as THE establishment candidate in the WA03.
You can read more about the event and the remarks of former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton, U.S. Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Senator Joe Zarelli at the link below.Yeah, well, I read it all right:
More:The absurdity of Herrera "Staying true" to anything.
It wasn't that long ago that my senator, Joe Zarelli, was taking a very, very hard look at running for Congress.
His unemployment debacle has cost him any chance at higher office... anywhere... and that fact sunk in when he made the decision to avoid that kind of embarrassment and endorse his former intern-for-a-few-weeks for Congress.
In the paper, however, Zarelli made a curious observation so far from true that it strains additional credulity:“She’ll go there carrying the banner of the Republican Party, but what is more important is that she will stay true to the party’s principles,” Zarelli said.Really?
Do Republican principles include co-sponsoring and voting for SEIU legislation?
Yes, there is no question that the empty suit known as McMorris's Puppet is a symptom of the disease known as old-school Republicans.
Let's not forget: McMorris Rogers was part of the crew that spent us into massive debt while the GOP controlled both the House and the Senate. And we want MORE of that, controlled by McMorris to boot?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
FAAAAASINATING outcomes last night shake Herrera campaign: her fellow establishment candidates clobbered in the primary.
The Tea Party impact was felt everywhere (Dino... are you listening?) where Tea Party and Palin-endorsed candidates score impressive victories across the country.
Herrera's lack of experience, education... or even the fact that she hasn't lived in the district for 11 of the last 13 years... the fact that her entire candidacy is an extension of McMorris Rogers' power play puppetry... that nonsensical "Young Gun" crap makes her the establishment candidate to beat.
Did the Tea Party win everywhere? No... but they won much more than they lost, and their influence is best seen in the Nevada race where an unknown Sharron Angle, buried in the polls just a few short weeks ago, came out of nowhere to take the GOP Senate primary against the establishment candidate(s) running against her.
Do we have any local campaign that compares? Well, we have the WA03, Where we have Ridgefield Barbie who fancies herself the front runner, but who has absolutely nothing to show that except a lot of money her keepers arranged for her... and that she helped herself to by skipping out of her job to fund raise, of course.
And we also have David Castillo, everything Herrera could ever hope to be.
So, who wins? The establishment manikin? Or a candidate of substance and stature?
Based on last night's results, that's looking pretty clear about now, isn't it?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Herrera and cowardice; Failed to answer Project Vote Smart's Political Courage Test.
Representative Jaime Herrera (WA) | ||||
Current Office: State House Current District: 18 Position 1 Party: Republican | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | |
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Representative Jaime Herrera repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on the issues through the 2008 Political Courage Test when asked to do so by national leaders of the political parties, prominent members of the media, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball, and Project Vote Smart staff. |
Given that she's incapable of original thought, this isn't terribly surprising. But we do expect more from those who would represent us in Congress.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Herrera: master of the obvious.
Watching twitter the other day, this pap popped up:
RT @JaimeLHerrera: Temp. govt jobs arent[sic] “recovery” – 15mm folks still jobless. New plan, new people needed in DC #WA03 #WACOT
So, this sorry effort included a link: I clicked on the link, eager to see how our empty suit would address this obvious observation; as in, she TALKS about a "new plan," then lies about being "new people" (How many years were you there?) so, I naturally thought she might HAVE a "new plan."
Of course not. Her handlers haven't given her one, and she's got the common sense of a board fence, so SHE won't EVER be able to come up with one on her own.
But I've got to ask: Why would anyone babble about the need for a "new plan" without providing said plan?
Any idiot knows we need new ideas and plans in DC; after all, Herrera even figured that out, and if SHE could get it, a high functioning rock ape could figure it out.
The question is one of background and experience. Herrera's lack of education, her complete lack of private sector experience, her precisely ZERO executive experience and, of course, her complete failure to serve her country in the military.... these things force me to wonder:
Do these gaping holes in her education and experience make it more likely, or less likely that any such plan wouldn't ever come from her?
Of course not.
So here ya go, Babs: You really shouldn't talk about a "new" plan unless you've got one handy.
And you, of course, do not.
Friday, June 4, 2010
The latest from Jaime Herrera's fav union: SEIU’s Latest Target? The Red Cross
SEIU’s Latest Target? The Red Cross
by PubliusFrom
Is there any low to which the SEIU won’t stoop? Now it’s interrupting blood donations in a strike against the American Red Cross. The Boy Scouts and Baptist churches are also on unions’ enemies list.
Demanding higher wages and better benefits, the Service Employees International Union on Wednesday launched a three-day strike against the Red Cross’ blood donation operations. The job action comes as the nonprofit, in a realistic response to the weak economy, is cutting salaries, ending bonuses and reducing pensions.
SEIU thinks its members should not only be exempt from the Red Cross’ efforts to live within its means, but actually get a raise.
But it’s not about the money, you see. It’s really about safety. “Cutting jobs, slashing wages and benefits of employees and cutting corners are affecting the safety of the blood supply,” the union’s Frank Hornick told the Parkersburg (W.Va.) News & Sentinel.
So SEIU’s way to get a safe supply is to pay higher union wages? It’s hardly compassion for consumers to hold 40% of the nation’s blood supply hostage.
The union’s strike probably won’t affect blood supplies much, but it sends a message: Consumers who need transfusions come second to union wish lists. Feel safer now?
SEIU’s attack on the Red Cross is one in a series of actions against privately funded civil society groups. By foisting union work rules and union salaries on volunteer groups, SEIU seems to want to make them as bloated, costly and inefficient as U.S. automakers. Service groups operate on a shoestring and can’t raise their “prices” to donors the way companies can. They’re stuck.
Continue reading here:
The absurdity of Herrera "Staying true" to anything.
His unemployment debacle has cost him any chance at higher office... anywhere... and that fact sunk in when he made the decision to avoid that kind of embarrassment and endorse his former intern-for-a-few-weeks for Congress.
In the paper, however, Zarelli made a curious observation so far from true that it strains additional credulity:
“She’ll go there carrying the banner of the Republican Party, but what is more important is that she will stay true to the party’s principles,” Zarelli said.Really?
Do Republican principles include co-sponsoring and voting for SEIU legislation?
Do Republican principles include doing that as a result of $5000 in campaign donations like those she received in 08?
Do Republican principles include helping the democrats strip out every last dime of the state's emergency fund?
Do Republican principles include rather stupidly telling us the loss of the House was a "Good thing?"
Do Republican principles include "Blumenthalian" exaggeration about her resume'?
Do Republican principles include bailing on her constituency during session to go to a special interest fundraiser in DC?
Do Republican principles include leaving the floor for hours at a time to do fund raisers/fund raising calls and having your seat mate vote for you so you would appear to actually be there?
Do Republican principles include taking money from democrat fund raisers?
Do Republican principles include the avoidance of taking a position on the Arizona Immigration Law (SB 1070)?
Do Republican principles include lying about there "not being a job in the world she would rather do?"
Do Republican principles include speaking for an amendment and then helping to kill that amendment by failing to stand to insist on a recorded vote?
Do Republican principles, for that matter, include blowing almost $500 for meals on a 3 day trip on the taxpayer's dime?
Combine that with the fact that there is precisely ONE "banner" she's going to carry, McMorris Rogers, and I have GOT to wonder:
Just who the hell was Zarelli talking about? It damned sure isn't Herrera.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Herrera: the same old face of the establishment GOP.
If Herrera is the "new face," give me the old one any day.
Well, here's PubliCola's take on the establishment candidate... the same-o same-o, regardless of McMorris's propaganda:
So, yeah... Herrera represents that same old tired establishment GOP that couldn't control itself when it had control over both the House and the Senate and spent like... well, like democrats.2. And another follow-up report: Yesterday Chris Kissel was down in Vancouver reporting on young, Hispanic U.S. Rep. candidate, Republican Jaime Herrera. Herrera supporters, like U.S. Rep Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA, 5), told Chris that Herrera was “the new face of the Party.”
That could be true. But in some ways, she is also same-old-same-old for the GOP. Her top contributors include investment, construction, mining, and banking companies like Wells Fargo, Robertson & Olson Construction, Kiewit & Sons, Eagle River Investments, and JL Storedahl & Sons.
Herrera has raised nearly $200,000 and has about $140,000 on hand. The top Democrat in the field, Denny Heck, has raised $569,000 with $532,000 on hand.
Herrera, of course, has already shown she's capable of blowing the taxpayer's dime.
So, if McMorris Rogers actually believes that this empty suit is the "new face," then God help us when Heck stomps her into the ground if she politically survives the primary.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
So, how is it that people are supporting the establishment candidate, Herrera?
PubliCola lays it out in a particularly cogent way, given the moronic babble about Heck as the "establishment candidate" yesterday:
4. While one candidate for U.S. Rep. Brian Baird’s open seat in the 3rd Congressional District, state Sen. Craig Pridmore (D-49), withdrew from the race yesterday—another candidate, state Rep. Jaime Herrera (R-18), is holding her kickoff breakfast this morning in Vancouver.
Herrera has the nod from the GOP establishment. Her former boss, U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-5, WA), and former U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton (R-WA), are featured guests at Herrera’s event. Cola reporter Chris Kissel is there and will file a report later today.
Herrera has about $90,000 more cash on hand—according to the most recently available FEC reports—than her opponent in the de facto Republican primary, David Castillo, a financial adviser and former chief of staff for the state House GOP caucus. Castillo, who’s angling for the Tea Party vote over Herrera’s establishment cred, was also a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Department of Veteran Affairs under President George W. Bush.
Yup... Herrera is McMorris's pet project and THE GOP establishment's candidate.
That's what we need... the same kind of Republican who spent us into pre-bankruptcy during the Bush years.
That's what we need, all right.
What Herrera can only WISH she had.
Except for Herrera, they've all served their country. And I'm fairly sure they would join with me in pointing out that college, multiple internships and being a minor functionary in your boss's office is NOTHING like "serving in the military," as you once told me.
Here are 4 such people.. all veterans running for Congress... any one of whom I would cheerfully vote for and help to get elected.
These people understand. These people would not have taken the place of Gold Star mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and spouses at a Memorial Day Ceremony.
These people have a clue as to what being in the military really means... just like Castillo, Hedrick and Boyd have a clue.
Just like Herrera does not.
Republican hypocrisy: it's what's for breakfast.
That said, I've got to wonder: those attending Herrera's self-flatulation show at the Hilton, orchestrated by Herrera's keepers: McMorris, Vander Stoep, et al... do they even care that Ridgefield Barbie is an SEIU sell out?
The idea that the sheep are following this political waste of space is simply beyond my comprehension.
Otherwise sentient beings lose anything approaching rational judgment when they're in her presence. Never mind that my cocker spaniel is more Republican.
The list of reasons and a leftist political history far outweigh any possible reason to elect this cardboard cutout... yet otherwise sane people refuse to see that which is so obvious: Herrera is completely unqualified to hold any elective office, let alone Congress, and these people are being so maneuvered by both special and establishment interests.
What will these people do when she is endorsed by the SEIU? Will even THAT make any difference?
We might as well have Brian Baird in office as this buffoon. How can these people not see that?
Or is it, as I suspect, that they just don't care?
Well, today is Ridgefield Barbie's kickoff.
Herrera's campaign began about 60 seconds after Baird properly read the tea leaves and bailed out on running for reelection.
Herrera jumped in immediately, even before her keepers wanted her to, coming up with lies such as the NRCC had been courting her for months and the like. She's been campaigning now, non-stop (particularly during session when she was SUPPOSED to be representing us in the 18th District instead of blowing us off to campaign) since mid December, about 5.5 months.
In that time, she has done nothing to address her multitude of weaknesses, nothing to address her support of SEIU legislation and her lies surrounding her efforts on their behalf; nothing to explain the financial support of the unions for her election bid in 2008, nothing to explain her joining with the democrats to empty out the state reserve fund of our last $229 million; nothing to explain her lies and exaggerations about her background, nothing to explain, well, much of anything.
There can be no doubt that Herrera wouldn't exist in our sphere of knowledge if it weren't for Cathy McMorris Rogers.
CMR doesn't live here. In fact, her district is clear on the other side of the state. CMR OWNS Herrera, almost as if the 13th Amendment wasn't ratified. Herrera was a minor staffer for McMorris, did a number of short term (few weeks duration) internships and has done absolutely nothing to qualify her for any role in Congress outside of receptionist.
But McMorris saw an opportunity and decided to install a puppet here in the leg. Now, she's interfering with our election here, even though she won't have to live with the outcome as much as she might be able to completely control that outcome if, horrors of horrors thus empty suited Barbie doll manages to scam enough people to win.
Were it not for the McMorris-Boldt-Cowlitz Commissioners deal, we'd have never heard of Herrera. McMorris's interference in the 3rd District is inexcusable but it certainly does cement Herrera as THE GOP establishment candidate... a candidate with a proven record of wasting money, a proven record of fronting for and working to further the SEIU legislative agenda... a candidate with a $5000 bill from her union buddies that they certainly collected on this past session.
So, yeah. Welcome to CMR. Welcome indeed, as this thing gets ready to become your political disaster.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Bizarro Zone of Jaime Herrera.
At PubliCola, there's an article about Pridemore bailing. In it, once you get past the strange idea that Herrera is the "front runner," we're greeted with this cluelessness:
Bowman concluded with this zinger: “We welcome the campaign against Denny Heck. He’s been part of the establishment since before Jaime was born.” Herrera is 31.So somehow, it's "bad" for Heck to be the establishment candidate.
But it's perfectly OK for Ridgefield Barbie to be the GOP's establishment candidate?
Totally clueless. Dangerously clueless.
More of Herrera's cluelessness when it comes to Veterans.
At that precise second, I knew beyond any doubt that Herrera was no more suited to become my state representative than she was to perform a frontal lobotomy. Her lies to the commissioners ( "There is not a job in the world I would rather have.") McMorris's interference in the process; her cosponsorship and votes for SEIU legislation while she lies about it; her vote to clean out the last $229 million from our state reserve fund along with the rest of the democrats; her ditching us to go to a failure of a fund raiser in DC during session; her lies about allowing others to vote in her absence while she made fund raising calls for her congressional run so she wouldn't appear absent by missing votes... even her ability to blow almost $500 in 3 days during one of her boondoggle "trips" to Seattle and Spokane.
Yesterday served to reinforce the impression in my mind that this empty suit has no more of an idea about the sacrifices and challenges of military service then she does about piloting a space ship. Here's Lew Waters with the details:
Attending the Memorial Services at Fort Vancouver today, I was struck to see Jaime and others being escorted to what looked like reserved seating down front and then, individually recognized, before even the Gold Stars Mothers where recognized as a group.No, it isn't about politicians or campaigning, or at least it's not supposed to be. It's about the men and women who have served and sacrificed, while Ridgefield Barbie partied. It's about the Moms and Dads who will never, ever hold their children to their breast again. It's about the wives and husbands and the children left behind.
Disturbing to me is that she, at 31 years of age and Bart Hansen at, I believe, 35 years old and both very healthy, took seats as "honored guests" while aging Veterans, many with canes and trouble walking around, had to stand due to all the seats being taken.
To his credit, Democrat Jim Moeller stood throughout the entire ceremony, not taking a seat that a Veteran might have occupied.
Today is not a day about Politicians, Democrat or Republican, especially young ones who consider themselves "honored guests."
Today is a day set aside to pay respects and homage to those who gave their life in service to our country while engaged with an enemy.
The over all ceremony was very nicely done, as usual and Tim Leavitt gave a nice speech, along with others.
But, individually recognizing politicians as "honored guests" while Gold Star Mothers received recognition after wards as a group and young elected people sitting while aging Veterans had to stand, doesn't set well with me.
It isn't about politicians or campaigning.
THAT'S what it's about.
But then, anyone who equates a college campus, multiple internships and a low level staff position in Sodom on Potomac during their 10 year absence from this area to military service would show this total lack of situational awareness... and a complete lack of value to the real costs of service in the military does not surprise me.
Just look at Obama bailing on the Memorial Day Services at Arlington, or should I say the lack of Obama at the Arlington Memorial Day Services.
While Herrera actually did show up, her complete lack of situational awareness and understanding of the value of real, earned service to this country really means is expressed in her actions... or her lack of actions... at this ceremony to honor our dead who have actually served this country, a concept as foreign to Herrera as Sanskrit.
Any other Republican running has that knowledge. Any one of those announced with active campaigns has this knowledge because they've lived it. As a result, Herrera can't even begin to understand it, as her expressed opinions and actions show. And, especially in wartime, that makes her a tremendous liability when it comes to decision-making for either this district... or this country.