Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ridgefield Barbie's favorite union, SEIU 1199, dumps insurance coverage for the children of 30,000 workers.

As we all know by know, the Empty Suit recently elected to Congress from the 5th District (Ahem.... I meant the THIRD district) was a big supporter of the SEIU. Co-sponsoring and voting for legislation that would have required day care workers to join that union while the OWNERS of day care facilities payed their dues, Babs worked that bill like they were paying her... which, come to think of it, they were.

Well, these fine, upstanding-hypocrite-major-supporters-of-Obamacare have just dumped the children of 30,000 low-wage home attendants, reinforcing both what a lying scumbag Obama is is and how utterly worthless unions generally and this one specifically happen to be.

Here it is: read it and, well, you know.

November 20, 2010, 7:40 PM ET

Union Drops Health Coverage for Workers’ Children

By Yuliya Chernova

Jason Morales, an 1199SEIU member from Brooklyn, protested proposed health-care cuts in the state budget in June. A benefit fund for the union is dropping insurance coverage for workers’ children.

One of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, union officials said. The union blamed financial problems it said were caused by the state’s health department and new national health-insurance requirements.

The fund is administered by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union. Union officials said the state compelled the fund to start buying coverage from a third party, which increased premiums by 60%. State health officials denied forcing the union fund to make the switch, saying the fund had been struggling financially even before the switch to third-party coverage.

The fund informed its members late last month that their dependents will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2011. Currently about 6,000 children are covered by the benefit fund, some until age 23.

The union fund faced a “dramatic shortfall” between what employers contributed to the fund and the premiums charged by its insurance provider, Fidelis Care, according to Mitra Behroozi, executive director of benefit and pension funds for 1199SEIU. The union fund pools contributions from several home-care agencies and then buys insurance from Fidelis.

H/T to the Wall Street Journal and More:

Yeah, it's just that kind of corruption that was one of the factors that made Barbie such an... attractive... candidate.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

So, what is he democratian's bizarre Ridgefield Barbie fixation?

TWO articles on the Camas Manikin's office draw?

Man, I thought Barnett, Huff, Malin and Earling were kool aid drinkers... but this garbage? I had to replace my keyboard after I blew chunks all over the last one.

Of all the things to write about... all the issues confronting us today... and all the time and energy the rag has been spending doing Barbie's PR... this is the best they could write about?

I had no idea she'd worn out so many sets of kneepads.

Memo to Lou: You've gone off the deep end over this political waste of skin. Give it a rest... and polish her future screw ups as she replaces your pet leftist as the token Republican liberal you support.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gotta wonder: who else is Ridgefield Barbie going to hire? Her lackies, Malin and Earling?

Herrera's Handlers have ordered her to keep her campaign team on to make every effort to keep Ridgefield Barbie from jamming her foot in her mouth up to her knee. But that's at party-central for her, Washington, DC.

Who gets the local nod for district office(s) and the like?

Early money are on a couple of morons named Nan Malin and Eric Earling.

Malin is known for two things: spending 12 hours a day increasing her twitter following, and being absolutely the worst county GOP chair in the history of politics.

Malin rolled over and did everything she could to get the Camas Manikin elected, insulting and attacking anyone and everyone who was smart enough to oppose this moron. Hers was one of 3 counties moronic enough to endorse Barbie in the primary... and of those 3 counties... 3... they ran a combined total of ONE Republican candidate. That means, that Ridgefield Barbie, the GOP Queen of the SEIU, nailed down the leftist vote early and often.

As it turns out, there was no lie this low life wouldn't spew for Babs, including writing and having published a vitriolic work of absolute fiction attacking a sitting state senator for telling the truth about that political waste of skin Malin was on her knees in front of for the duration of the campaign.

As for her utter worthlessness as a county party chair?

Were was Malin on election night? You'd think she would have been somewhere in her Pacific County, waiting with other GOP members, candidates, family members and supporters for election returns.

You'd think that.

But, she was here at the Quay, getting pissed off because that same senator told her to stuff it when she approached him after assassinating his character and integrity in a self-attempt to excuse her horrific behavior by characterizing it as "just politics."

And why wasn't she in Pacific County awaiting the returns from the election for the GOP candidates in that county?

Simple. There weren't any.

Malin is so worthless, so utterly focused on Malin to the exclusion of everything else, including her duties as a county chair, that as a result of her Titanic efforts to be THE GOP social butterfly, not a single GOP candidate was running for anything in Pacific County.

That's right. Not one. Democrats could celebrate on filing day, because due to her utter incompetence and her complete use of her position ONLY to further the greater glory of Nansen Malin, not a single Republican filed for any elective office anywhere in Pacific County.

Expect the congressional empty suit to hire her. Having a proven leg-humper on your staff can be invaluable, until you tire of it.

Then there's Eric Earling, a juvenile non-entity who doesn't live within 80 miles of the 3rd District but who worked double overtime to shill for Barbie in ways that were down right embarrassing.

Earling, who's never ran for office, not successfully campaigned for anything since 6th grade, is a legend in his own mind. The other of the 2 coat holders (Malin being the first) Earling was an early kool aid drinker in the Keath Huff/Shannon Barnett mold... and moldy they are.

How could you tell Earling was lying about his Babs? Easy. He twittered.

Like Malin, there was no lie he wouldn't tell in support of a moron who will not be representing HIM, since he lives no where near the district. But then, like most of Barbie's kool aiders, that cult of personality is mystifying to those with fully functioning brains.

I expect Herrera to hire him to sweep out the office or something... because along with Malin, their rabid wheel b arrow/shovel act for that moron is worthy of something.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Democratian tells us "Herrera hits the Hill." Looks like the Hill hit back; forced to keep her campaign keepers.

Well, the word's out that McMorris has forced Herrera to hire her campaign keepers.

This isn't a particularly flattering picture of Ridgefield Barbie. But then, there aren't any particularly flattering pictures of the empty suit now representing the 5th District.

Clearly, the staff McMorris put together has been kept on to keep Babs from looking like a total, blithering idiot.

If that's possible.

Herrera hits the Hill

Baird confronts transition, unfinished business

Rep.-elect Jaime Herrera of Camas, a Republican, talks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington on during Congressional freshmen orientation.

Rep.-elect Jaime Herrera of Camas, a Republican, talks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington on during Congressional freshmen orientation.

Herrera, a state lawmaker from Camas, beat moderate Democrat Denny Heck of Olympia in the Nov. 2 election. She replaces six-term Democratic U.S. Rep. Brian Baird, who retired and delivered this blast at Democrats and Republicans.

Also hired by Herrera: Afton Swift, a former aide to U.S. Reps. Jack Metcalf in the 2nd and Doc Hastings in the 4th, and Bowman, her 3rd-district campaign manager and spokesman.

Swift also had a role with Dino Rossi's gubernatorial races. Vander Stoep is a former state representative whose district served Thurston, Lewis and a few other 3rd district counties.

Herrera issued this statement:

"This experienced transition team will help provide organization and focus as I hire staff who will help me solve the problems facing Southwest Washington … They understand that I want them to help me identify qualified people who have a passion for serving the public, and who have our region's best interests at heart."

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Karma Bus goes round and round: Cowlitz County Commissioner Axel Swanson concedes.

Swanson was one of the democrat commissioners alleged Republican Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt made a deal with to get Herrera the 18th District seat that she ditched as soon as humanly possible in favor of the job she really wanted: congress critter.

Swanson was bested by a grassroots campaign that took him by surprise in what he must have felt to be a safe seat.


Not my county, so I really don't care. But one is down... two left to go.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Congressional envy: Why couldn't LTC Allen West have run HERE?

The Florida 22 won a tremendous victory last night when they tossed the incumbent and elected Army LTC Allen West (Ret) to Congress.

West is everything a member of congress SHOULD be... and the extra member of Congress for the 5th District that we gave them last night, isn't.

The Jawa Report is the purveyor of this effort.

November 03, 2010

Guardian Of America's Honor

LTC Allen West, a winner by any standard:

Watch the videos below the fold to understand why I support LTC Allen West and why HE should have been our first black President.

By DMartyr at November 3, 2010 11:03 AM Comments (3) l digg this

This is the kind of person we should have representing us.

Someone tested. Someone hardened. Someone with a proven record of sacrifice, of pain, of
leadership. Someone who has accomplished with their lives.

And this district, which lost any congressional representation we had last night since Ridgefield Barbie is a wholly owned ( WHAT 13th Amendment?) subsidiary of Cathy McMorris Rogers, is stuck with someone unfit, and incapable, of carrying Colonel West's luggage.

Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.

Impressions on an election night.

First some awards.

Slimiest creatures to show up at the GOP Victory Party?

1. Keath Huff.

Huff was the gutless scumbag behind my namesake blog. In coming after me because I was constantly bitch-slapping Ridgefield Barbie for being a complete waste of political skin, that little worm decided he could attack and repeatedly trash Ann Rivers.

Huff is scum.

And then after all that, what does that slimeball do? He leaves this on Ann's FaceBook page:

It takes a genuine asshole to try and make nice after doing so much deliberate damage and engaging in an effort to politically destroy someone, particularly when that someone wasn't even in your district.

A grade A, number one anal orifice.


I understand your attraction to a complete empty suit like Barbie. But I will never forget the playground bullshit you ran in a genuine effort to destroy Ann's candidacy as if that would somehow shut me up about that clown in your picture... when all it did was to make me even more determined to see her out of politics, an effort I will literally spend the rest of my life engaged in thanks in large part to your work.

I can't speak for Ann. But she ought to kick you in what's left of your miniature testicles until you can't see straight.

2. Jon Russell.

Russell's lies and support of the Huffer's blogging efforts are well known. His support and work with the democrat Rivers destroyed in the election are even better known.

The political Russell's of the world are what give politics a bad name. Lying about his education to everyone, how much money he raised to the PCO's, and his wife being a doctor should have made him ashamed to show his face.

3. Nansen Malin.

Malin is the elected chair of the Pacific County GOP, a county something on the order of 100 miles from the victory party in Clark County. I wondered what the hell she would be doing HERE instead of her OWN county on an election night, until I remembered that because of her stellar efforts as a county GOP Chair, not a single Republican ran for anything anywhere in her entire county for this election.

Not one candidate.


For any position.

In all of Pacific County.

Best known for sending out a lying, scum-filled, vitriolic letter filled with false accusations and lies against a sitting state senator, Nan is all about using her position to be THE GOP social butterfly, working SO hard, EVERYWHERE in Washington State, except where she NEEDS to work: Pacific County.

Don't need to work there if, after all, you're such a failure that you can't even find someone to run for ANYTHING.

So, of course, if you're an abysmal, colossal, utter failure as a GOP County Chair and you're applying for the full time position of toady to an empty suit, why would you actually spend time in the county you were elected to run on an election night?

Silly me.

2. Biggest surprise.

a. I am surprised that Allen Svehaug appears to be the winner for the county commission seat. While the campaign wasn't anything to brag about, Alan only has to make up 2.1% plus one vote to take out Steve Stuart. With hard-right breaking votes to be counted in the next 31,000, I think he may just get it done. We'll sure know more by COB tomorrow.

Considering that alleged Republican Marc Boldt ENDORSED Steve "Easy Money" Stuart for re-election (Getting that quid pro quo thing all lined out) it could be just the tiniest bit awkward in the county commission chamber should Svehaug get this done.

b. That Peck didn't do better.

I thought it was going to be close, but I was reasonably sure that Peck would win. After all, the fact is that electing any democrat in the legislature for anything is yet another vote for the fringe left leadership that led to the horrific $800,000,000 tax increase on all of us from the last session, and Candy Man Moeller's moronic "is it candy or ain't it?" tax that the people slaughtered in the guise of I-1107.

c. That I-1100 didn't win overwhelmingly.

The slimy, nonsensical and moronic ad campaign the unions ran were a crock, start to finish. I was surprised that the people would actually buy into their lies and nonsense and overlook the obvious advantages of getting the state out of any retail liquor sales... or any other retail sales.

I-1100, which I supported, may still win. But I was sure it would be stronger.

3. Biggest disappointment.

That the people elected a worthless nit to a position of importance when she lacked the education, experience and integrity of a picket fence.

Never forget: Without Cathy McMorris-Rogers interfering in our local politics and making a deal with alleged Republican Marc Boldt, there is no way this scarecrow would have been appointed to anything, given the fact that she'd been gone for the ten prior years before McMorris hand-fed her the appointment because of her connection to Boldt.

Herrera accomplished absolutely nothing in the legislature, and she will accomplish absolutely nothing in DC that CMR doesn't order her to do, providing CMR's 5th District with a defacto second member of Congress.... except once again become a legend on the DC party circuit while we're paying her $175K to boogie.

Clearly, people like Huff and Barnett lost their minds about Babbling Barbie. And now we all have to suffer as a result.

Other thoughts as they occur.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics and Jon Russell Watch.