Saturday, October 30, 2010

Stunner: Real Clear Politics moves WA03 to "toss up" from "leans Republican!"

In yet another hopeful sign that Ridgefield Barbie will be completely unemployed come next Wednesday. Real Clear Politics has moved the race in the 3rd District from "Leans Republican" to "toss up."

As the days go by and more people find out that Babs is a "mile wide and an inch deep," they've clearly come to understand what I've known since she parachuted back in here after a 10 year absence: Herrera is unfit to be a member of Congress.

My remarking on our local empty suit's efforts to snatch defeat from the jaws of what should be an overwhelming victory does not mean that I believe she's going to lose.

No... as much as I despise her and her handlers, I think she's actually going to pull this off, having made a race that SHOULD have been hers in a walk into a real nail bitter, due to her tin ear and over all political incompetence.

What an amazingly awful campaign she's run. What a complete dolt and coward she's been by failing to debate as often as possible. But then, we all know why that is.

It's amazing what you hear in this corner of the information highway.

Since we're not going to need Herrera to take back the House, I think to myself how much better off we'd be with her gone.

As in, going back to work for McMorris.

But sadly, we're likely stuck with 2 years of her inanity before that happens.

Check it out here, check it outters.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

KING 5 News: Heck closing on Ridgefield Barbie.

Unfortunately, those of us in the 3rd CD are forced to chose between Twiddle Dem and Twiddle Dumber.

According to the most recent Survey USA poll results released today, Barbie has dropped 2 to 50 and Heck has gained enough to climb to 46.

KING 5 poll: Herrera vs. Heck contest tightening in 3rd district


Posted on October 27, 2010 at 9:48 AM

In the hotly-contested race for Congress in Washington's 3rd district, Democrat Denny Heck has closed the gap but Republican Jaime Herrera still has a narrow lead--just within the margin of error of our latest KING 5 poll.In the latest SurveyUSA poll, 50% say they would vote for Herrera, 46% for Heck with 4% undecided. The margin of error for the poll of 640 likely voters is +/- 4%.

From our pollster SurveyUSA and editor Jay Leve: "Democrats today are more likely than in 3 previous polls to identify themselves as certain traction among voters age 50 to 64, where he had trailed in August, September and early October, but now leads. Heck polls above 50% among women for the first time. And, Heck's advantage among Moderates has grown to 25 points. But, Herrera is still backed by 91% of those with a favorable impression of the Tea Party, 80% of pro-life voters, 56% of men and 55% of Independents."

With just a few days before election day, many voters have already mailed in their ballots. Watch here our profile of the race. You can also watch the candidates debate at our sister station, KGW in Portland.

It's a real shame that this time around, people are going to vote for as empty a suit as the one worn by the president.

Youda thought we knew better.

This late strength is, no doubt, a result of the growing realization among those paying attention that Barbie isn't fit to be elected dog catcher. Unfortunately, it's come too late and she's likely to win anyway.

Cross posted on Clark County Politics.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

McMorris Rogers a coward as well? She's refusing to debate in her race...

One of the major differences in this election this time around is that the left is typically running away from their failed agenda while the right is allegedly running towards theirs.

So why is it that incumbent Congresswoman and Herrera puppet-master Cathy McMorris Rogers lacks the guts to take on her challenger in open debate?

According to the SSR, McMorris Rogers pleads "scheduling constraints" as her cowardly excuse... and it IS a cowardly excuse.

But McMorris Rogers, who has been the puppet master of the Herrera debacle since the beginning, when she hatched the plan to parachute this simple-mined idiot in on us with my brother-in-law, alleged Republican Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt as the warm up for Ridgefield Barbie, who couldn't imagine doing any other job, running for Congress.

Unfortunately for CMR, Herrera has been such a horrific candidate, such a mindless automaton, such an empty, vacuous suit, that McMorris Rogers has to spend all of her available time staunching the arterial blood flow from Babs who was slaughtered last night in her debate with Heck, and who seems to be well on the way of achieving the impossible: losing the general election to a democrat in the midst of a Republican tsunami.

That's no excuse, of course. McMorris Rogers has no business interfering over here, particularly to prop up her political Stepford Wife, Herrera.

And make no mistake about it: if Herrera manages to pull this off, then in her case, the 14th Amendment will have ceased to exist, and CMR will own Herrera as much as any plantation owner in South Carolina in 1858.

Is it any wonder that CMR has "scheduling constraints" that amount to cowardice? She has to work 24-7 to keep Barbie from imploding.

And here's a bulletin for you Cathy: your babysitting won't end on November 2.

Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.
Well, it sure became clear why our local empty suit refuses to debate Heck in Clark County: she'd lose 10 points if she did!

As those in the political know have stated all along, Barbie is no more qualified to be a member of Congress than she is to do an intestinal resection.

Last night, it's fairly clear that Heck hammered Herrera like a nail. But when you're a person completely devoid of substance, intelligence, knowledge or integrity, what could we expect from a political waste of skin?

The TDN has the blow-by-blow:

Heck, Herrera take the stage at LCC

Heck, Herrera take the stage at LCC
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buy this photo The Daily News U.S. House 3rd District candidates, left to right: Denny Heck, Democrat, and Jaime Herrera, Republican.

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Who do you think won Wednesday's debate in Longview?

Jaime Herrera
Denny Heck
Neither candidate
I haven't seen the debate

Total Votes: 114

Democratic congressional candidate Denny Heck took off the gloves during a debate with his Republican opponent in Longview on Wednesday evening, accusing Jaime Herrera of misrepresenting his record and challenging her to be specific about what programs she would cut to balance the federal budget.

"Her answer to every challenge facing this country is cut, cut, cut!" Heck said. "‘No' is not a plan to create jobs."

It was the most aggressive confrontation yet in a closely watched campaign that could put the 3rd District in Republican control for only the second time in a half century — and help Republicans take control of the House. Democrat Brian Baird is stepping down after serving 12 years in the seat, which represents most of Southwest Washington.

During an hour-long exchange in front of a raucous crowd at Lower Columbia College, audience members sometimes heckled Herrera, chiding her to be specific about her policies. Heck intervened once, asking the audience to show respect for his opponent.

Herrera insisted throughout the evening that Heck and his party support reckless federal spending and "crushing tax burdens" on local businesses.

"This Congress, for the first time in a generation, has not passed an operating budget," said Herrera, a 31-year-old state legislator from Camas. "Yet, in the last 20 months this Congress has managed to add more to the federal debt than in all 200 years of our nation's history combined."

Herrera said she favors repealing the health care reform bill passed earlier this year, making permanent former President Bush's tax cuts and loosening regulations on the private sector so that business is more free to create jobs.

Herrera said she opposes the Obama Administration's $800 billion economic stimulus program, adding that the country has been "driven to the brink by overspending and debt."

Heck, 58, of Olympia, pointed out that tax cuts make up one third of the stimulus package. Heck also said he wants to encourage banks to extend more credit to small businesses, eliminate tax breaks for businesses that send jobs overseas, revitalize the economy by encouraging renewable energy and other "green" manufacturing, and invest in new public works projects. Heck said he also favors a tax credit for the purchase of U.S.-made industrial machinery "so we can make things in America again."

Wednesdays' debate came just hours after The Hill, a Washington, D.C., newspaper covering Congress, released new poll numbers showing that the margin in the race has narrowed to within two points, with Herrera leading 42 percent to 40 percent and 15 percent saying they didn't yet know who they'd vote for. A different poll had Herrera leading by 10 points a month ago.

Heck tried to portray his opponent as young, inexperienced and short on specifics about how to pull the country from its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

During his opening remarks, he blasted Herrera for supporting a tax reform pledge that, he said, advocates sending U.S. jobs overseas.

A short time later, Heck said Herrera has no specific plan for boosting private-sector jobs.

After Herrera said Heck supported the Cap and Trade carbon policy to limit greenhouse emissions, Heck stopped the debate cold and turned to his opponent: "Rep. Herrera, three times you said I support Cap and Trade. ... I have never said I would support the Cap and Trade Bill. You keep saying it. Please stop."

Then, his voice booming, Heck demanded to know what programs Herrera would cut reduce federal spending, asking if she was willing to reduce college tuition grants or cut funding for local public works projects such as restoring the Columbia River jetties or building sediment retention structures downstream of Mount St. Helens.

Herrera simply grinned and pointed out that Heck's time was up.

When asked about how she would improve the country's higher education system, Herrera noted that she had worked her way through college, but quickly steered her answer back toward the question of Cap and Trade legislation, demanding to know whether Heck would pledge to vote against such a bill.

"Answer the question!" roared audience members to Herrera.

"She doesn't know how!" shouted another audience member.

"How about a little respect?" called out another in Herrera's defense.

"She has to earn it!" yelled an elderly woman near the front row.

Herrera appeared visibly rattled.

"We don't have to overspend," she said simply.

Later, Herrera said she wanted to take a moderate approach to reforming government spending. "I'm certainly advocating for having an adult conversation for how this money is spent," she said.

"You haven't advocated for any specific cuts yet," Heck countered.

He noted that during a radio interview she suggested cutting 10 percent of the federal budget across the board, but then backed away from the statement when, he said, it became clear such a plan would be unrealistic.

"You had to say you were new," Heck said. "You didn't understand that."

Copyright 2010 The Daily News Online. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Cross posted at Clark County Politics:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Has Ridgefield Barbie managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Latest poll shows Babs at only +2%

Perhaps being an empty suit with an empty head crosses party lines?

Jaime Herrera, who has spent the entirety of her adult life in politics in one form or another while lying about Denny Heck being a "career politician" may have managed to achieve the impossible: She may have managed to lose an election that should have been hers going away... snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The problem? Ridgefield Barbie is incapable of original thought and she makes Obama's reliance on teleprompters look like sheer genius in comparison.

And now? Well, it sure SEEMS that Heck's "got the mo"... and that the numbers are solidly breaking his way... when they need to.

At this point, I remain convinced that we will be the unfortunate recipients of Herrera's luck at being in the right place at the right time. But I'm secure in the knowledge that if she makes it (and that's suddenly a huge "if") her tenure will be short lived, and she'll soon be back in McMorris's office pouring coffee and answering the phone.... where she so obviously belongs.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jaime Herrera's a coward? Who knew?

Ridgefield Barbie knows she's outclassed by Heck. In fact, the biggest problem Heck has is his party affiliation. In every other way, from experience through education, he is the superior candidate.

Unfortunately, I can't vote for him because his party has led us into a slow-motion (but quicker lately) ongoing train wreck. Equally unfortunate, Babs lacks any quality that would make her more than a useful tool for her puppet master, McMorris Rogers, and she will have no positive impact on that problem.

They know that. So, instead of having the guts and the ability to take Heck on in public, our local version of the empty suit is to much of a coward to debate him here in Clark County, Herrera's occasional home over the past several years (Typically she's been doing her bit for the party circuit in DC when she's not in one of her multiple internships that have done so much to keep her out of the private sector... for the entirety of her life) and an area she would hope to represent without ever enabling the electorate to see her true worthlessness as a candidate.

I have, on occasion, rued that we don't have a qualified congressional candidate representing us in the GOP here locally. Allen West comes to mind... for that matter, David Castillo. But to possibly have this vacuous suit rack making decisions that concern this nation's future, economy and security frankly sickens me.

Since she lacks the guts to take on Heck in a debate, how is this simple idiot going to have the courage to make decisions that will lead our troops to their deaths... or enable her to stand up to an Obama?

If she was all that, she'd look at Heck and say something like "bring it on.... any time, any where." But that's not our gutless Babs.

As one commenter pointed out, Heck won't move down here... although, given the moronic government and mayor of Vancouver and the stupidity of replacing the I-5 Bridge for wasted billions, who can blame him? But his desire to take this jock on in public... including here... shows that he has the courage of his convictions and is not intimidated by our resident fake.

For her, just the opposite is the case. And for those stupid enough to support her... well, you get what you pay for.

Remember that as you vote for little Ms. "I didn't have any reason to criticize Brian Baird."

Cross posted on Clark County Politics.

Friday, October 8, 2010

House democrat incumbent takes page from Herrera play book: Runs shill to rip off votes from opponent.

By now we pretty much know that David Hedrick's continued involvement in the WA03 primary was part of the plan by Ridgefield Barbie's handlers to take votes away from the only Republican running qualified to actually serve us in Congress, David Castillo.

It was a brilliant, if typically for Herrera underhanded and unethical plan, and it served it's purpose.

Well, a democrat incumbent tried a variation of the Herrera Plan... except he's been caught.

Democrats: Adler campaign backed Tea Party candidate

JANE ROH • Courier-Post Staff • October 7, 2010

Congressman John Adler's campaign and the Camden County Democratic Committee recruited ""NJ Tea Party'' candidate Peter DeStefano to confuse conservative voters and hurt Adler's Republican challenger this fall, Democratic operatives say.

"The goal was to take 5 percent of (Republican Jon) Runyan's vote,'' said a Democrat with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations.

"Steve Ayscue designed the plan with Geoff Mackler following is lead.''

Ayscue is a high-profile Democratic consultant who runs the CCDC. Mackler is Adler's campaign manager.

Several South Jersey Democratic operatives with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations spoke to the Courier-Post on condition of anonymity because of what they described as ethical qualms with Adler's campaign.

"From the beginning, orders have flowed from Cherry Hill,'' said one Democratic operative, referring to CCDC headquarters at Garden State Pavilions shopping center off Route 70.

Adler, who is in a knife-fight with Runyan in the conservative-leaning 3rd district, is aware of the DeStefano plan, Democrats said.

Regional Tea Party groups had never heard of DeStefano until the Adler campaign released partial results of an internal poll last summer that indicated he might be a viable third-party spoiler.

Up until and immediately after a July 19 Courier-Post story on DeStefano's candidacy, the Adler campaign was largely unresponsive to media queries. In early August, at a grand opening of his Marlton campaign office, Adler told the Courier-Post, "I know we weren't part of it.''

The Democratic operatives - one of whom helped Adler's 2008 bid but is not on staff this time around - said there was immediate disagreement among the rank and file about the DeStefano plan.

Democrats said Adler's recent allegiance with conservatives on a number of issues was calculated to help him hang on to his seat, held for 25 years by Republican Jim Saxton. Which is why the DeStefano plan, announced before three dozen young party volunteers at CCDC headquarters last May, struck some as foolish.

"Everybody thought this would be a very scrutinized race,'' said a person who attended Ayscue and Mackler's May 26 presentation.

"A lot of people said, 'This is not how you win.'''

Read the rest of the story in Friday's Courier-Post.

Reach Jane Roh at (856) 486-2919 or

As we all know by now, Hedrick made up bogus, nonsensical website where, with made up numbers, Hedrick declared himself "the leading Republican" in the congressional race... which, of course, he never was.

The similarities are startling.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A commenter claims: Am I a "closet democrat?"

I have never made any bones about my complete opposition to Jaime Herrera. And, of course, I never will.

Does that opposition make me a "closet democrat?" Let's look at that question.

I have long since abandoned blind faith in any party. Even as a PCO, I reserve the right to avoid suspending disbelief in the name of a party label.

For example, my brother-in-law, alleged Republican County Commissioner Marc Boldt is number one on the list of people endorsing his democrat counterpart, Steve "Easy Money" Stuart.

Does that make Marc a "secret democrat?"

Let's take a look at another race.

In the 31st District, State Senator Pam Roach is running for re-election. She's running against another Republican as a result of our top two primary system, a fellow by the name of Matt Richardson.

Matt has some past personal difficulties that have come to light: for example, he's plead guilty to molesting a little girl, or a couple of little girls, several years ago. He has since become a teacher, and he has since been resigned from Federal Way Schools, where he received a letter of reprimand following allegations of sexual misconduct there.

As a result of these issues, the sitting DEMOCRAT state representative and Roach's former democrat opponent from 02 and 06 have endorsed her, Roach.

Does that make them "secret Republicans?"

I don't believe it does.

Jaime Herrera is unqualified by intelligence, experience, education and/or temperament to be elected to Congress. She has consistently lied about so many aspects of her life and career.... and the idea that SHE would accuse SOMEBODY ELSE of being a "career politician?"

I will not support a rank hypocrite.

I will not support a liar.

I will not support an SEIU supporter, who, in the past has been endorsed and funded by that organization.

The mere fact that she has an "R" after her name does not excuse any of those things.

Here's an example of Ridgefield Barbie's most recent hypocrisy, from Bab's own Facebook page:

Now, the reader might ask: "What's hypocritical about that?"
Fair enough. Herrera is nothing but a career politician. Even though she accomplished absolutely nothing as a legislator, she accomplished even less in the private sector.
But this?
She babbles about Biden coming out to support Heck. She babbles about that because, she claims that Biden was first elected to something in 73, with Heck being elected to something 3 years later... almost as if that kind of nonsense had any relevance whatsoever.
But what she FAILS to mention is this: Slade Gordon, who first entered politics in 1959 and held some elected office until he was defeated in 2001, has been one of her biggest cheerleaders, even going so far as appearing at a half dozen fund raisers for her.
So, Gorton has been out there doing the same thing as Biden will do for Heck, and was in elective office about as long... and Barbie then attacks Heck for it?
Herrera supporters may feel free to support someone capable of such rank hypocrisy.
Not so much.

Her election is not necessary to secure control of the House. Her election would certainly be more harmful then positive, because in Ridgefield Barbie's world, it's all about her... and not about us.

And isn't it supposed to be about "us?"

I will never support this woman for election. If anything. I will, in fact, do all I legally can to make sure she doesn't get elected... as is my right.

That those claiming I'm a "secret democrat" are willing to turn a blind eye to her myriad faults and obvious weaknesses is the heart of the problem with government today, a government owned and operated by those supported, not as a result of their record, but as a result of their party label. I will not "settle" on someone. I want honor and integrity. She has neither. And if that means a democrat wins, then so be it.

That's where I'm at. So figure it out and draw your own conclusion.

I know I have.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

So... whatever happened to Ridgefield Barbie?

It's no secret that the empty suit running for Congress is as effective a fund raiser as she was a legislator... which means utterly worthless. And there is no question that she's had an extremely difficult time raising money... which is strange, considering she's the anointed shoo-in to take this seat back for the "R" side.

Fund raising is a funny thing. it can mean a lot as to the indicators of a campaign's viability. When someone is perceived as the winner, they start to get "inevitability money" late in the campaign.

Of course, early money is by far the most important. Late money is from the more conservative funders... the one's doing it for show, for dress up. And it looks like Babs is having some major issues collecting it.


What does the big money know that the rest of us don't know?

Well, one of the reasons check books snap shut is when the candidate stops.... running.

Showing up is an important part of the process. Transparency, or the lack of it, in a campaign is indicative of the same thing while holding office. And Ridgefield Barbie doesn't have it.

I get that. The last thing Herrera's handlers want is a close examination of their suit. I know it's empty because this is my playground. They know it's empty because they know what they've got... and the last thing they want is for Herrera to utter a single unscripted word.

So.... what do they do?

They get her out of dodge and then stifle any effort to find out what she's been doing. And there's only one reason for that: they don't want you to know.

This article, from something much closer to a genuine newspaper, lays it all out.

For those of you who, for whatever the reason, support this political waste of skin.... get used to it. Her only reason for any of this is the greater glory of Herrera. McMorris believes she can control her. But that mistake has been made before, through out the history of the world... and my fear is that it's being made again.

That, however, is secondary to this:

Herrera camp tight-lipped about 3rd District candidate's travels

Herrera camp tight-lipped about 3rd District candidate's travels
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buy this photo Roger Werth / The Daily News State Rep. Jaime Herrera works the campaign phones at Cowlitz County Republican headquarters last week.

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Republican Congressional candidate Jaime Herrera doesn't want you to know where she's been.

The Daily News asked both candidates for the 3rd District Congressional seat this week to provide an account of where they've been campaigning since the August primary.

The Herrera campaign refused, saying the information might be used against her by her Democratic opponent, Denny Heck.

"I have no interest in giving Denny Heck or his friends any information about Jaime's schedule with which to dissect and attack her," Herrera press secretary Casey Bowman said in an e-mail.

The Heck campaign, which supplied a list of about 30 events attended by Heck last month, said Herrera has all but disappeared from the campaign trail.

"Honestly, we haven't seen her out there," Heck's press secretary, Aaron Wasser, said in an e-mail. "We've been asked on numerous occasions by people all over the district what our opponent is doing, or where she's going to appear because voters want to hear from both sides."

Bowman said any suggestion that Herrera isn't campaigning is "absolutely untrue." Herrera, he added, has been to Cowlitz County "countless times," including giving a speech at a Lion's Club meeting shortly after the primary.

But he declined to be more specific, saying that if the Heck campaign "learned what Jaime's schedule had been in the last weeks or months, they might attack us for choosing to meet with one group at the same time that we missed a meeting with another group."

The 3rd District race is expected to be one of the most closely watched in the country. The announced retirement of six-term Democratic Congressman Brian Baird is leaving the swing district up for grabs for the first time in more than a decade.

The still-sluggish economy and what national pollsters indicate may be a surge of voter rejection of Democratic incumbents are factors favoring Herrera and other Republicans. Herrera led Heck 52 percent to 42 percent in a SurveyUSA poll last month.

Mark Stephan, an associate political science professor at Washington State University's Vancouver campus, said it's not uncommon for candidates who are ahead in the polls to back off the campaign trail. Campaign stops, he said, can be seen as an opportunity for a candidate to slip up verbally or cause controversy.

"It's reasonable to think that this might have something to do with being up in the polls and feeling comfortable," Stephan said. "The fact is that there is a little higher risk to hurt yourself. The more you're out, the more you're answering questions."

Still, Stephan said it is "a bit odd" that the Herrera campaign won't disclose its previous campaign stops.

"It just raises the speculation that they're not out there at all," he said.

Heck has been trying to gain traction against Herrera with what he's calling a "Let's Get to Work" tour, during which he's been visiting 3rd District businesses and giving stump speeches about reinventing the economy. He visited Cowlitz County four times last month and toured the ports of Longview and Kalama, as well as the Mount St. Helens and Steelscape in Kalama.

The list of campaign events provided by his campaign also includes picnics, parades and roundtable discussions.

A check of Herrera's campaign event invitations sent to The Daily News after the primary shows that Herrera visited a phone bank at Cowlitz County GOP headquarters Sept. 22 and hosted a "Sprint to Victory" breakfast in Lacey Sept. 20.

An unofficial list of her campaign activities obtained by The Daily News says Herrera attended a dozen events in the 3rd District last month, including meetings with a GOP club at a Vancouver retirement community, a meeting with a Vancouver barge company and several fundraisers and campaign rallies. The list also showed that Herrera attended the Highlander Festival parade in Kelso and spoke to the Cowlitz County Republican Women's Club on Sept. 20.

Herrera returned from a fundraising trip to Washington, D.C. this week, her campaign said.

Bowman said Herrera will participate in two Oct. 13 debates against Heck - one in Longview, another in Thurston County.

She will also talk with voters at the Pacific Barber Shop in Kelso Oct. 14, he said.

Herrera has already proven herself capable of lying or exaggerating about anything. That her campaign engages in this kind of crap is not surprising. And this is the kind of representation we should expect from Herrera.

And that's a shame. We could have had a quality representative in the form of David Castillo.

Now we'll likely have to settle for this.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.